If you are thinking about the possibility of having a Spanish Greyhound, you probably want to know its characteristics and personality before making a decision. Keep reading this article until the end, because we will tell you all the details about this energetic, silent, sociable and obedient dog that has so much love to offer you. Let's start at once!

Characteristics of the Spanish Greyhound

The Spanish greyhound, also known as Spanish Greyhound o Spanish Greyhoundis a dog appreciated by many people for its particular characteristics that make it an ideal companion animal. Therefore, it is important to review some of the main characteristics of this family pet:

  • Greyhound sizeLarge and slender dog: males, generally measuring from 62 to 70 cmwhile females measure from 60 to 68 cm.
  • Greyhound body shape: It has a slender, slender and muscular body: long legs, straight back, deep chest and a long, slender tail.
  • Spanish greyhound head shape: The head of this dog is long and slender, and its skull is narrow. With long, tapering muzzle, it has thin lips and has medium-sized ears which are folded back.
  • EyesEyes: The eyes of this dog are small and oblique, almond-shaped and have a noble expression in them that denotes gentleness.
  • FurShort, smooth, dense and soft-textured coat. For this reason the greyhound does not smell.
  • ColorColor: The color of this dog can be varied, so different patterns and combinations are well accepted.
  • Average lifeThe Spanish Greyhound has an average lifespan ranging from 12 to 15 years, it is a dog that has a special talent for racing, since it has the ability to run at high speeds and loves to sleep, as it naps up to 18 hours a day. Also, this dog does not bark (due to a genetic predisposition).
  • Body mass: It is a dog that usually weighs 20 to 30 kilograms and has little body fat.

Personality of the Spanish Greyhound

Spanish galgos are dogs that are characterized mainly by their predisposition to work, and by their great fondness for exercise and speed.

According to ethology experts, Spanish galgos are sensitive, sweet, affectionate, intelligent and sociable dogs, although sometimes they can be a bit shy (especially with strangers).

And there is a common sympathetic trait in greyhounds: their ability to make gestures with their mouths similar to laughter when they are happy, especially when they are playing. And as many dog handlers say, the galgo usually plays the "clown", because of his gestures.

In addition, these dogs are generally very playful, so they tend to get along well with children and can live in harmony with other pets without any problem. At home they are very obedient, calm, they like to participate in family life, and when they go outdoors, they are very explorers of the environment.

Also, they are very intelligent dogs that learn quickly, so it is very easy to do basic training with them. In fact, a simple "No" command is enough for them to understand that they should not do something.

In any case, the education of the greyhound should be focused on positive reinforcement at all times, since, due to its personality characteristics, it can easily become stressed or depressed.

Origin of the Spanish Greyhound

The greyhound, whose name comes from Latin gallicus canis (Gaulish dog), is a breed originating from theebreles of the CeltsThe dog, which due to its physical characteristics was very skilled in hunting wild animals such as antelopes, deer, hares, wolves, wild boars, etc., as early as 600 BC.

Your arrival in Spain

The Celts later introduced these dogs to northwestern Spain, where they were also used for hunting. Subsequently, in the XVI and XVII centuries, the breed was was exported from Spain to Ireland and Great Britain, to cross them with other breeds in the area (such as the greyhound), which almost meant their extinction. In Great Britain, greyhounds, because of their elegance and robustness, were more of a status symbol social, i.e., only the elite could afford one.


Do you knowíDon't you know that the painting "La Caza de la Codorniz" by Goya y Lucientes depicts the Spanish Greyhound and that in the famous work "Don Quixote de la Mancha" there is a reference to this breed at the beginning?

Photo: ihistoriarte.com

Frequently Asked Questions

What is it like to have a greyhound at home?

Although it is a large dog that has great racing abilities, it is usually very calm at home and adapts easily to any space.

How to make a greyhound happy?

To make a greyhound happy you need to give him attention, give him affection, take him for a walk 2 - 3 times a day, provide him with toys (such as stuffed animals, chewing ropes, etc.), groom him once a week.

How much does a Spanish greyhound cost?

In Spain, a Spanish greyhound can cost between 500 and 1000 euros.

How smart is a greyhound?

A greyhound is very intelligent, it learns very fast.

What speed is a Spanish greyhound capable of reaching?

Due to its physical capacity, this dog is capable of reaching 60 km/h.

Where to pet a greyhound?

The greyhound should be stroked from head to tail, with gentle massages on the ears or chest.

What to feed a greyhound?

A greyhound is fed on vegetables, rice, pasta, chicken; fish, milk, eggs, dry feed.

What do greyhounds like?

Greyhounds like to receive physical contact from humans, as long as they are treated kindly.

Do greyhounds bite?

It is very rare to see a case of a greyhound biting people, as this breed of dog has a calm, affectionate and sociable behavior.

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