A wolfdog, also known by the names "wolfdog" or "lubican," is a the result of a crossbreeding between a dog and a wolf. Normally, the crosses are usually with the German Shepherd and Siberian Husky breeds, but there can also be all kinds of variations.
There can be a great variety of wolf dogs, either because of the breeds that have been crossbred or the generations that separate them from the wolves. It is not always easy to determine how much of a dog or wolf a wolfdog is, as their roots may have been equally crossed.

Although the origin of the wolf dog is more or less uncertain, it is believed that more than 10,000 years ago they were domesticated by humans. This belief is due to the finding of fossils of wolfdogs together with humans, in many occasions to go hunting.
Types of Wolf Dogs
Although there are many breeds of dogs close to wolves, in this article we will only deal with those breeds of canines which can be considered wolf dogs. Generally, we usually speak of 6 types of wolf dogs:
- Czechoslovakian
- Calupoh
- Saarloos
- Kunmíng
- Lupo
- Herreño
The differences between the different types of Wolfdogs are very noticeable, both in temperament and character, as well as in the physical part.
The character of an animal of this type can vary greatly depending on how close they are to the wolf, they are generally curious, sociable with other dogs to a certain extent, and almost always maintain that shyness of the wolf to strange situations and people.
They tend to be very loyal and attached to their owners, they need large spaces to run and explore, as well as long walks in case they live in an urban area.
They do not usually show aggressive tendencies towards humansAlthough their behavior tends to be rather shy, there is no evidence that they are more aggressive than the average dog of their size.
Wolves are sociable by natureThey need a great interaction with their pack, in this case their owners, they are dogs that do not handle loneliness well, they can become destructive very quickly if they are alone for long periods of time.
Because of its shy nature are not usually good watchdogsThis changes with herding due to their German Shepherd genes, they can perform very well in this type of tasks.
It is very important to know and be fully informed about the characteristics of a wolfdog before acquiring one, many end up being abandoned or tied up by misinformation of their owners, because of their unpredictable character and their large size, they are not dogs for everyone.
On some occasions, the crossbreeding of a wolf and a dog produces a large or giant wolfdog, due to a genetic phenomenon known as heterosis.
The results of the crossbreeding of these animals is unpredictable, there can be wolf-dogs that look like a dog to those that are mistaken for a wolf.