The wolf dog Calupoh or mexican wolfdog, it is the third recognized dog breed by the Federación Canófila Mexicana.
Origins of the wolf dog Calupoh
It arises in pre-Hispanic Mexico as a mixture between the Mexican gray wolf and the dog, was bred for several centuries by Mexican ancestors. It was recognized by the Federación Canófila in 1999 as the third Mexican dog breed besides the Chihuahua and the Xoloitzcuintle.
The Calupoh is a large, black dog with impressive yellow or orange eyes. It can exist in other color combinations, such as black with spots and even in white.

Remains of these animals have been found in places such as the temple of Quetzalcoatl in the form of ornaments and in pyramids and temples such as the Temple of the Moon and the main temple of Tenochtitlan.
PhysicalCalupoh wolfdog is an agile and strong dog, the males are more masculinized, and are taller than long. It is a balanced dog that resembles the wolf in nature, slightly patilargo and a typical wolf mane.
Unlike the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, the Calupoh is black in color but some may turn silver in adulthood.
Males can measure from 62 cm to 75 cm, and females can range from 58 cm to 70 cm.
PersonalityHe is a noble and loyal dog with his owners and is good with children, although he can be a little reserved and shy with strangers (as most wolves are), he is easy to handle and gets used to all kinds of activities. It is an active and agile dog, its main activity can be that of a herding dog.
The complete breed standard of the Calupoh wolfdog or Mexican wolfdog reads as follows in this link of the federation Canófila Mexicana.